Hello! So, for this task I have been tasked with making a rough around 5 foot statue f a nut cracker for sun to be displayed in the widows of warfare in southport. I really liked this idea, because I've had other pieces of mine hung in there so it would be exciting to see them in there once more.
So, to start this we were first split into groups. We originally had a group of six working on a single statue, but then we realised that this would have been innificent, sometimes more monkeys and typewriters don't help, so instead we had two groups of three working on different states. I was spat of team two, along side Devin and Amy. After this, we discussed an idea for what the final product would look like and we landed on this.
Now, this was pretty good in my opinion, using different things like ears from Amy and my 3D nose idea. We also made sure to organised who does what.
Overall I feel like this was a pretty effective visualisation diagram, with lots of detail and minimal text. The only thing that would ae made this better is if I coloured in the pats I want, because throughout the project I ad to keep reminding what colours are what since people kept forgetting. But anyways, we did have to do a change or two for the final product.
After this, we began actually making it. I was designated to draw and do the outline of this because I made the outline unreasonable complicated due to the pattern shown on the diagram. But before this, we covered the entire thing in white paint to make sue we couldn't see any paper mache. To explain, we were given boxes onto of each other covered in paper mache.
After drawing all of the lines ready for painting, we did exactly that, paint. We ran into an error or two whist drawing it. My first problem is that I didn't make the body big enough, and then it looks like a real small perosn with a rather large head. I didn't mind this but what I did mind was the fact that he was simply dangling in the air. To compensate for this, I drew a present under his feet to make sure it all looked a lot ore natural.
But I digress, painting was quite simple, just slap some paint on it. Although we didn't do it properly at the time and Mae the first coat too thin, so we did a second one and it all looked great. We also had somebody else help with the painting, Sophie and Rebekah.
After this painting, me and Devin finished it of with the outline. I focused on the red pattern across the entire clothing whilst Devin focused on making the outlines of the rest of the body. This was my favourite part because drawing patterns is something that helps me relax along with just making things pretty overall. But now that we have covered all of the process, lets talk about the final product.
And this is it! hours of hard work and minor style changes during the process of creating this has turned it into this. Personally, I really like how this has came out despite it not being pitch perfect for what the original design was, but I think this just works better. I would also like to apologise for not being able to get a standing up full, because they have already been moved to Warfare, but if I go and see them I will take a photo and add it at the end. But anyways, let's talk about the product.
So wat mediums did I use to make this? We used painting and drawing mainly. Painting of the colour an drawing for the pencil outline along with the black outline and the pattern seen on this. We also made some 3D parts like the nose and ears but I'm honestly not too sure what medium that goes into conjunction with.
What makes this appropriate for the task at hand? Well, the first thing that makes it apposite is the fact that its a nut cracker since out brief was to make it look like a nut cracker. Another thing that makes this appropriate for the task at hand is the colours used. We were guided that we should mainly use green and red in our designs, and despite the dark navy background I think it goes well with these guidelines.
Why do I like this design? I like this design because off the repeat pattern all over. For me it really bings a Laye o complexity that makes me just wanna stare at it and see all of the patterns, although in some areas is a bit small but I will get to that. I also really likmthis because the overall design is quite cute. The rest of my class made their nutcrackers quite big whilst ours is quite small, so this also makes it stand out more along with jus making it look cuter, despite its horrifying face.One more thing I like about this final product is the 3D parts on this, mainly the nose and the ears. This is because nobody else in the class thought to make 3D facial feature like the nose and ears, so its pretty unique. It also jus makes it more visually interesting and compliments the design
But this isn't all rainbows and sunshine, what things don't I like and how would I change them? The first thing I don't like is the face. To me its just quite creepy, and I would fix this by redesigning the face to perchance have just black dots as eyes to give a more cutesy look, or make the mouth not have teeth an lips, since for me they are the main reasons of why this looks so scar. Another thing I am not the happiest aboutis the eyes. Although I love the colour, I would change them by hang more detail in them, perhaps streaks of darker green to make them look more human. I would also add eye lashes since I think the face looks quite empty. One more thing I would change is the backgroun. Rather then just a dark navy wonderland, I should have made it look like this nut cracker is on some snow with spruce trees in the background. Apart from these small ratites though, I think this went quite well.
Finally, would I do something like this again? Absolutely! this has been really fun to make from design to finish. The usage of a 3D canvas as been really fun and I feel like this concept of making physical objects is really interesting an a theme I would like to experiment with as a final project, I just need to practice by making more of these first.