For this, I've began experimenting with mock ups. They're easy ways to ee what a final product will look like with a graphic hat you have made. Thee are usually two ways to go around with this, either making your own mock ups using cameras and an awful lot of know how on photoshop along with other software, or you can find them free online, in which I found a website called Graphic Burger.
Here is what I have made. As you can see, it involves the pattern I made on illustrator, and I actually fixed the problem with it looking like its in lines. I did this by cropping the repeating layer, and adding some extra confetti to make it a whole lot smoother. As you can see, I've made multiple variations with the colour whilst sticking to the same blue inside. With this, I also changed the background to be close to the iconic beige I aways use, which just looks great with the black coffee text and the bright baby blue.
So, what do I think of the work I have produced? I think its really good. It has came out exactly how I wanted to come out as. With this too, this is also a switch up from my usual one prototype final design for each of my blog posts since I now have multiple said final designs.
Was it successful? absolutely! the purpose of this is to make a realistic mockup of wrapping paper with my print onto such, amongst other variables like my choice of inside colour and surface colour, and yet this looks very realistic overall, especially the wrapping paper.
What would I do differently? I feel like I would of changed the inside colour depending on what colour the outside is. Lets say were using the pink mockup as an example. Rater then the blue inside, I would have a darker and more saturated version of pink that's found on the front. This gives it a better look in my opinion, since you're using similar colours, but not exactly the same.
How could I develop this? I could start doing different templates for my pattern, and I have tried some but I'm not exactly a big fan of them. With this too, I could also mess around with the pattern itself, by using different poses and actions for kitty boy (the character on the wrapping paper) to do. I could also use more colours, or even make a gradient for the background.
Is this something I would revisit? I think so. This is because using mockups are really important to see how final products could look in a visual way, and I'm oping to make more graphics for products in the future.